Black Lily

At first there was a rose,
Accompanied by a handwritten prose
Your words were gentle and caring
Making me unaware that one day my heart you would be tearing
Your supposed love cocooned me in a fog
The words spewing from your mouth giving my heart a little tug
And thus came to be the one thing I knew to be true
It was that I had grown to love you

Your lopsided smiles and amber eyes
Eventually led to my demise
For as the days went on
And my heart was won
The flowers grew
From roses to peonies to daffodils too

And that was the one thing I did not understand
Why were such common flowers given to me by a man who desired my hand?
For if I was your one and only,
Shouldn’t I be given something more rare like a black lily?
To this you shook your head and scoffed
Telling me that obtaining one of those would be too tough
And that was when I knew
That the entire time I had been lied to
For if love was apparent in your opinion of me
Nothing would be too tough
Nothing too rough
As it would be worth it to see my face lit up by a smile
Even if it meant you had to walk an entire mile

But there’s nothing I can do.
For your love for me is not true.
I despise how I will never be able to make you mine
And yet, here’s a confession I hope you remember for a long time:
If I were you and you were me,
I would give you a black lily.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is old.