The Devil's Damnation

My imperfections are flawless-
Or so I once thought

Up until the day you taught me otherwise

You forced my eyes open,
And showed me the world-

Threatened my Innocence with the unadulterated truth...

And with the claws of a famined crow,
You ripped me from my ignorant nest

Tore a hole into my chest,
And exposed my vulnerable soul--

To the Evil that is Reality...
The Evil that you fronted

However, Dark Crow,
You did not kill me then-

No matter upon what I'd cast my wish...


For the lesson had yet been taught-

And as the days passed me by ('33 to '45)
Upon which you were teaching...

My blissful ignorance, was tarnished and weakened

You drank from my blood,
And fed on my soul

And like the beastly bird you are,
You regurgitated the potent venom,
And forced me to swallow

The blood in your poison is not just of my own,
But is that of all who I love and have loved

We are all monsters, blinded by our dreams....

Dreams in which you have proved are simply shelter....

Shelter from our reality; our nightmares

But right now our nightmares star you

You are our reality,
And You shattered those dreams

And now,
As I march on through the night

I am envious of all those who have died

For, Dark Crow, I will never unsee the evil in your eyes

Or the images you have forced upon me

Bound by the blood of others,
I am forever in the Devil's Debt
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is in memory of the Holocaust. I wrote it as my Senior project for my College Prep English course. When I presented it to my teacher I set it to a powerpoint with the song Zombie, by the Cranberries playing in the back-ground. Whilst I cannot show you the powerpoint, I can suggest that you listen to the song either while you read or after.

Thank you for reading.