Girl vs. World

It was one girl against the world.
And we all know who wins that battle.

She with the swords, the guns, the axes, and the whips.
The world doesn’t change.
She with the laughs, the brave words, and quips.
The world never changes.

She dances and cries and puts on a show.
The world has no eyes.
She fights and laughs and demands that everyone know.
The world cannot see.

She curls up in the corner, feeling beaten and torn.
The world doesn’t change.
And she cries out, she wishes she had never been born.
The world never changes.

It is always one girl against the world.
And we all know who wins that battle.
♠ ♠ ♠
I normally stick to prose so this MIGHT suck. But um. Yeah, here it is