Changed My Life

Always there,
Even if it's only his presence.

Always a laugh,
Even if I want to cry.

Always strong,
Even if he should break.

Always distant,
Even if I need a hug.

Always memorable,
Even if it's for the wrong reason.

Always protective,
Even if it's not needed.

Always my brother,
Even if I'm not a good sister.

You've changed my life,

I can't thank you enough,
For being my reason why.

My brother.

My idol.

This is my apology.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am a horrible sister. I try. I really do. But I can't help but be horrible. He's older and I don't know how to help him. Heck, I wouldn't know how considering I don't know if he needs help.

Big brother, if you see this: I meant every word. You are my idol, and I don't want that to change. I may not say this often (if at all), but Brother: I love you very much.

You've been one of my reasons why because I can't make you that kid. The kid who's sister left too soon. And I'm sorry I put that on you. Even if I'll never tell you. Well, maybe one day.

I love you Brother. Forgive me one day? Please?