Does he..

These feelings are all strange to me,
they're all taking over me with such force.
One minute I'm jumping with joy,
the next I'm crying with misery.

The simplest text from him makes me jump,
makes my heart beat until i fear it's position,
i fear that it will beat right through me,
and set itself free.

I don't know how to explain these feelings,
Is it love?
Is is admiration?
Is it just a crush?
Everything is so new to me,
and everything seems so extreme.

When I'm happy,
I'm overly happy.
When i sad,
I'm incredibly sad.
There no longer seems to be an in between.

My heart hurts,
but it hurts for nearly nothing.
The pain that is so excruciating,
appears from nearly nothing?
What will happen when an actual reason to be in pain arrises?
Will I survive that pain?
Will it be the the end of me?

And the worst part is this unawareness.
I have no idea what he feels for me.
Is he feeling the same pain as me,
or is he merely thinking of me as a friend?
Does it kill him that we haven't spoken in a day?
or does he not even notice..

Does his heart jump a little faster when he sees my texts?
Does the smile automatically make it's way to his face when he speaks of me?
Does the thought of him and I together make him giddy?
Does he think about me?
Does he daydream about me?
Does he look forward to seeing me?
Does he like me?