Seventh Grade

Seventh grade. Luna Middle School.
That's when everything began.
Everything meaning leaving behind my troubled past as a young girl,
And looking ahead towards my future,
No matter how many troubles I faced or how many mistakes I've made.

That was when I would wake up bright and early at 5:45,
For I took quite a while to get myself ready for the day.
When I would throw on my red Abercrombie sweatshirt, hoist my backpack up on my shoulder,
And head outside to the bus stop, walking quite a distance in the humidity of the morning.

That was when peers nicknamed me "Llama",
For I had a strange love for the odd animal.
When people of the same age as me roamed the long hallways,
Greeting me with a "hey", and occasionally, a high five.

That was when Cene and I would sneak out our iPod's during class
And listen to our favorite Paramore songs while working on our English assignments.
When Tori and I would constantly get in trouble for talking, passing notes,
And breaking out into fits of laughter over the simplest of things.

That was when I was paired up with Jonas and Kya for the
Frog dissection lab in Mrs. Naughton's class.
When all three of us fought over who got to slit open the dead frog,
And who got to clean and put away the dissection-tools.

That was when Jaden was my biggest crush,
And I got Jessica and Cene to spy on him for me during math.
When Jaden officially became my first boyfriend,
Only to dump me for unsaid reasons two months later.

That was when I fought the urge to sleep during
Mrs. Markovich's 2nd period Texas History class.
For I found the subject completely boring,
And I had no friends in this class.

That was when I would go into deep-focus mode during art,
Working quietly on my art project, or drawing, while I zoned out on the world surrounding me
When my artwork was entered in many district art shows,
And I was constantly complimented for my deep creativity.

That was when I tried to be friendly with all the sixth graders during P.E.,
For I was bullied by older students at that age,
And the last thing I wanted was for them to go through the pain I felt being
Taunted by the seventh and eight graders.

That was when Jasmine and I behaved stupidly at lunch,
Stabbing our plastic silverware into apples,
Then throwing them under the tables and watching peoples faces
As they wondered where the mutated-fruit came from

That was when I got second place in the talent show for performing a lyrical dance routine.
When I had no fear leaping and turning across a stage in front of 300 people.
When everyone, including strangers, congratulated me and gave me hugs,
Regardless of if I was close to them or not.

That was when Reyna and I sat side by side on the bus ride home everyday, describing to
Each other how are days went, and laughing over our random thoughts.
When we would point out all the dead squirrels and possums on the road,
And walk back home in the sweltering, afternoon Texas-heat.

That was when I finally learned that not everyone is trustworthy.
When I learned that there is hurtfulness behind every "I'm fine..."
When I learned how to tell true friends from fakes,
When I let the real Mariah shine through, not being afraid to show everyone who I was.

They say not to look back on your past.
But kind of hard not to.
When the slightest of memories, mistakes, and advice
Are what made me who I am today.
♠ ♠ ♠
**First time writing poetry. I'm better at free-verse though. And I'm sorry it's kinda long, but my 7th grade yeas WAS by far my best, and I had to squeeze in every detail. I appreciate it if you read, comment, and recommend. Thanks :)**