
H-Has a heart of pure truth
A- Always stands up for the ones she loves
N-Never listens to insults thrown at her
N- Never gives into hate
A- Always around when she's needed
H-Hangs onto all her friends for dear life

Then why is she so hurt inside
bullied for the cloths she wears
the music she listens to
The bands she looks up to
Black Veil Brides and Blood on The Dance Floor
These bands saved her life more than once
their music keeps her togther
But why does she look like shes tearing apart at the seems
like she's going to fall apart anymoment
Why is she so hurt inside
Why is she so hated
Called a Freak,Emo Whore,Fag,Emo
When she's twice the person they are
Why does she listen to their words
Let them control her mind and actions
control her thoughts
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this on behafe of my friend Hannah. She gets bullied in school for being her self. This poem is 100% deticated to her. She keeps me from doing anything harmful to myslef and I love her for it. I just wish she would follow her own advice for once.