Questions with No Answers

We wonder why
Do we ever find out?
A lot of questions out in the world,
But we never seem to get all the answers
Its’ hard to breathe without air
Just like it is hard to tell the truth when they don’t believe you
Liars lie
Cheaters cheat,
But lovers love
It’s hard to believe
Why people do things
People loose trust in life
It’s hard to get back
Try and try and try again
Sometimes trying never works
Sometimes too less is too much
And sometimes too much is too less
Life hits everybody with surprises
No body will ever know what their future will be
Not even with planning it,
Because planning only works with one person
That person in God
God is the only person anybody can ever trust forever,
Some people don’t believe in God,
Then can somebody please tell me how the universe is here
Nobody can explain how God did it,
But all we need to know is that God is perfect
Just like his son, Jesus
Died on the cross just for us
Nobody saw that one coming
Life is full of surprises
Some are good
And some are bad,
All we can do is hope.