The Season a Life of Its Own


A child is born unknowing of it's dark past and ever darker future. For a time the child will know nothing of the world and it's melancholy humor.


A youth has grown full of life and joy, playing laughing enjoying the cool summer air while watching the sky darken and the rain fall, still unknowing of the coming storm and the misery that fallows.


An adult strong and wise, now seen the evil of life and death upon watching loved onces slowly
fade away and a war
ravaged home is all that remains the enjoyment of life has lost it's touch, now only love is all that


The elder no longer strong but plenty wise, has seen the victories in life, the tragedy of war and loss, the forgiveness of love and happiness, a new generation has grown and now the hart has grown cold a new spring has come and so too a new life as the old watches from the side guiding and teaching along the way