Virtual Slaves

You are a virtual slave,
Confined in your technology induced state.
Cell phones, computers, MP3s, iPods, TVs,
These are just some of the things you have become a virtual slave to.
It’s like your technology controls you,
Instead of the other way around.
There are invisible strings attached to your technology,
And every couple of hours the strings force your hands to mess with these gadgets.
You are a slave to them,
A Prisoner in your own mind,
Trapped in a mechanical grip of your apparatuses.
The damage has been done,
And nothing can be done to change it.
The distant cries of a generation lost,
Once proud,
And noble,
Sound in the background of your life,
Warning you that if you don’t stop messing with technology,
That you will become subservient to it.
That is if it hasn’t already happened to you yet.
Life will end if technology finds a way to have a mind of its own.
No one will be safe then,
And even your friends and family won’t be spared.
So do yourself a favor and put that technology down,
And never pick it up again,
For it WILL control you once more if you don’t watch out.
Listen to the sounds of nature,
And learn to live without that soul consuming demon.
A demon that wrenches out your life force,
And throws it off into the distance without a second thought.
Learn to truly live,
Not that half living that most people do.
Live, laugh, love,
And then just maybe then technology won’t play such a huge role in your life.
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Sometimes I question technology, and I wonder if I'm a slave to it. I do use the internet a lot...