Your Mirage Haunts Me...

I miss you. It's all I can think about.

I wish it could stop. I don't know what to do.

Do I miss you? Or do I miss someone, anyone. Things get lonely

as you fall asleep during the wee hours of morning.

Will this ever end?

These flashes of memories and emotions, are they real?

Or am I simply fragmenting and distorting

what we truly are: which is nothing.

Dust in the wind,

a gust blew us away,

I'm on one island,

you're on the other,

these two islands will never get closer -

they just drift farther apart until you become nothing.

I watch the horizon,

as you appear before me,

closer and closer until I can almost touch you,

i'm dying of thirst,

my fingers move through your form like mist

A mirage of my own conjuring.

All around me is blue,

as I continue

to hurt
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem has been sitting in a hidden, locked corner of my computer for some time now. I wrote it after trying to get over someone after a difficult break up. Please comment if you like it, or if you can relate to it in some way. Your thoughts/feelings about it will be appreciated! ~ SR