Heavenly Blue

Heavenly Blue
By Renton

The celestial pool writhes and spins
A show put on exclusively for me
The sky drips
The stars dance above me
Turning like gears in a celestial machine
Their majestic spectrum is mine
Clouds whisper by
Swirling like paint
A heavenly masterpiece
My mind opens
Becoming a door to the universe
Only I can travel through the portal
An astronaut on a mission
To explore the void
I embark upon the quest
A saga begins
I launch towards the mighty black
Like a wave sliding towards the shore I meet it
But its majesty overwhelms me
The beauty of it is too much
I am pushed back
The ascent is reversed as I slip back into my mind
Man was not meant to join the constellations
Only gods can traverse the galaxy
Once again I lift my eyes
And strive a second time for stellar immortality
♠ ♠ ♠
True story, if one were to consider insanity truth.