Believe In Me

I wake up every morning wishing for one thing.
I wanna be able to look in a mirror and not hate what I see.
My brown hair and chocolate eyes
Are nothing to brag about.
My flat stomach and fat thighs
aren't exactly picture perfect.

At night I pray that one morning
I can finally see what everyone else talks about.
This strong, confident front can't help me out.
Pretending to be happy, doesn't help what I see.

One boy says, "You're perfect"
But he left me for a whore.

One boy says, "You're beautiful"
But he left me for a girl that cakes on her makeup.

Now can you understand why it's so hard to believe?

When my friends tell me, "He would be so lucky to have you."
I laugh because he goes, "You're way outta my league" and left me.

Maybe now you can understand?
I just wanna wake up and feel beautiful today.
Even if that means I have to drop the bad and keep the good.

Maybe one day my hair will fall the right way.
Maybe my eyes will shine like the stars,
and my body will look right in my eyes.
I'll feel beautiful that day.

You just gotta believe in me,
and then maybe I will too.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is how I feel; Love it? Hate it? I don't care.