School Year, Yet Again...

This sucks, y'know?
Starting another school year?
After such a short summer break,
I was busy the entire time,
Which is good,
But it went by so damn quick.
With horse shows,
Caring for my accident prone horse,
It went by in a blink of an eye.
I barely hung out with anyone.
I guess I'm glad,
To see everybody,
Back in school,
But it just means that I have to work harder,
The stress of it all again,
It really isn't that great of a feeling,
I took maximum classes this semester,
It's gonna be harder,
More stressful,
Longer year,
Less the easy going,
More of buckling down,
Getting ready for another stage of my life.
I gotta work harder at school,
With my horses,
With training,
With life,
I can't lose the struggle again,
I can't go back to the god awful white rooms,
I can't go back to not remembering who I was,
I can't let go of my life anymore.
I must keep on track,
Must not lose sight of what I want in life,
I cannot lose what I have now.
I can't lose the happiness that spreads through my body,
I can't lose the feelings I have,
I can't let those negative thoughts come back.
I have to keep that smile on my face,
The rememberance of all those who love me,
But most importantly,
Remember that Applejack wouldn't ever want me to take my life,
And leave him here alone on this world.
I take it upon my shoulders,
To not let Apple suffer like that,
To not let my parents suffer like that,
To not let myself suffer like that.
It is my duty,
To smile,
To be happy,
To spread love,
Like it's the only thing I can do.