Stay Strong

I put on such a good act; they just don’t know the facts.
I cry out, but it’s no better than a shout.
I tell myself stay strong and nothing will go wrong.
So I just fought, but its comfort I sought.
But that’s all gone; stay strong and nothing will go wrong.
The tears mix with the blood, but not enough to flood.
One more cut and the fluid rushes, covers my skins surface.
It’s gone; stay strong and nothing will go wrong.
I’m starting to get lost, nothing left in my eyes I’m gone.
I don’t need your help, I can do it all by myself.
I have been all along, trying to stay strong.
I’m losing hope, and I can’t stay afloat.
My mind is scrambled, my life in shambles.
Free falling, and there is no use for calling.
My own advice is fake, something I couldn’t even take.
Stay strong and nothing will go wrong.
I waited too long, now I’m too far gone.
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Please tell me what you think.