when we break

I want to shatter you into 792 radical pieces
Until you speak only in tongues of poetry
Until you speak stories you didn’t know were in your head

I can never read your face
But maybe tomorrow will be the day I do
I want to hold your hand if its okay with you

I want to shatter with you
Abandon student government and all the pretty faces
We will paint them a brick-colored brown
and tell them about the starving babies
how we’re going to save them
by killing our televisions
shouting fuck you to the Starbucks on Hawthorne

I will shatter happily
We will shatter our
outsides, our shiny and hard coverings
you’ll forget how to play baseball
I’ll forget my name and how to eat in front of the TV

You closeted anarchist
You time-warping acrobat
I want to shatter with you
and when we break
the sun will feel so good against our backs