Gone Forever

At my breaking point slicing my arms bleeding out

I hear your voice asking why

a ghost like figure walks to me i look up an see your face

tears fall from your face vanishing before they hit the ground

you lean down an slide you ghostly cold hands along my arm

i look down an all there is left are scars

looking back up i scream 'Look out!!" but its to late

another smoky figure wraps its arms around you

and squeezes right through your body an turning you so smoke

tears streaming down my face i wipe them away and i see blood on my hands

I cried to much now i feel weak there's a pool of blood around me blood all over my body

crawling to the door try to yell for help then the smoky figure comes back through the ground

it grabs me by the throat pulling, my soul is slipping away from my body

it rips my soul out an turns my body to ash and my soul is ingulfed in flames

I'm screaming trying to get free finally I let one last blood curlting scream then I'm gone