Just A Small Thanks

Two different people, from two different lives,
came together and bonded into something fantastic,
Our friendship,
We can tell each other anything,
We're as open as a book to one another,
no page left unread, none left ignored.
We can joke around and laugh for hours,
Even if things aren't that funny.
We have few things in common,
but opposites attract!
You don't judge me when I'm myself
I appreciate that.
Our humor is misunderstood,
but we get each other.
We're so opposite from one another,
it's a surprise we're best friends.
But I'm so glad we are.
If I were a lesbian I'd choose you for my lover.
I think it's funny how we have matching moles on our right thighs.
I'd like to think that's a way of saying we're meant for each other.
Thank you for all the times you've listened to me complain about things
even if it got annoying.
Thank you for all the times you've dealt with me, even though I'm a bit boring.
You bring excitment to my life,
this is a fact!
Without you, I don't know what I'd be doing now.
Just thank you for staying with me.
I love you.
Oh and thanks for always correcting my grammar.