Absloute Rubbish

All I wanted was to write, to be the loved and not to fight,
no matter whatever and for ever, I would hold onto the light, inside,
I screamed, a terrible darkness arrived and early on I gleaned,
That most things don't come free, especially, the person you always tried to be.
It always costs to be, somebody and the price ain't gold, it comes from the soul,
I pray, that I break the mold one day, and I rise, so high, and i leave this world behind.
cause i tried, I really tried, so hard that i almost cried, and that ain't right at the end of the night,
when all's said and done, I gotta reach new heights and i never lose the fight.

The only mistake i ever made was the first one, its ongoing, and i'm close enough to burst one,
but i hold it in, as always, I just smile and grin, and although i write now, It's shite the destination the bin.

thanks to Dr. Dre, Eminem, Marshall Mathers and Slim Shady. Maybe one day ill be there with you
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