
I'm tumbled into a spiral emotion.
Stuck between choosing:

I shudder at the last one.

Knowing our attraction,
It's hard to choose.
Your words thump and echo
my eardrums in unrealisation.
As if just spoken.

"Age matter..."
"I'm afraid for our friendship..."

Why does age matter??
Why are we afraid of changing our friendship??

Realising I'm writing on memories,
Is it emotions that's long been gone?

I still feel that strange attraction,
I still feel those stinging words,
The conflict is caused

People started saying you're a fake...
A liar...
I can't believe them...
I just can't.
I know you!
I hope...

Something about you scare me.
I'm afraid of coming close,
I'm afraid of getting hurt.


Why can't I figure this out?
You're playing mind games!
Or is it my mind, my heart playing tricks?
Something inside me just can't figure this out..

There's some tiny part of me
That has it all figured out,
That would do anything for you.

That tiny part, so pure,
So strong,
So stubborn.
I love you.
Guess that's all that truly makes sense.