Never Without You

My heart pounding tears burst from my eyes as your mom tells me those fatal words "She's gone"
I drop to my knees grasping my chest... I think my heart stopped then i feel this sharp pain
like it exploded in my chest I hit the ground trying to say anything but nothing's coming out
I see this bright light it surounds me, I awaken in a feild of grass I stand up and see you
I run to you yelling you name, i wrap my arms around you squeezing you and kissing you
I say "I love you" over and over again, you have this unforgettable smile
tears rolls down my face, I look at you and i said "I'm never letting you out of my sight"
she smiles and says "Good!" i look around and ask what happened she said "You died, you were
about to go to hell, but i begged god to spare your soul, I told you i would give my life for you"
I had this giant smile then i realize what you did "You gave up your soul for me to be in heaven?"
I drop to my knees crying asking why, your fading right before my eyes then vanish before i could
say anything, i grab the first thing i saw an plunge it into my chest, when i awake I'm in hell
I search everywhere and I find you i run to you and hold you, you ask why
I said "I rather suffer with you then live in heaven knowing your suffering alone" I hold on to you
an go through the worst pain i could ever imagine, but I know everything will be okay as
long as you are in my arms i scream "I love you!!"