That Is The Question

I am here,
Though it’s as if no one notices.
I am invisible.

No matter what it is that I do,
I can never achieve my goal.

I just want to know.

I want to know the good,
The bad,

I want someone to say something,

Do you hear me?
Do you see me?

No, you can’t see me.
No one can see me.

What does that mean?
Am I even really here?
Is anyone here?

What is this thing we call
A universe?
A world?
A life?

What is this thing we call a mind?
How do we know if what we perceive is real?

Am I real?

If I am,
Then how come no one notices?
Why is it that I
Cannot know the one thing
That plagues me?

Why am I never satisfied?

What is so wrong with me that I have to
Be this way?
Think this way?
Live this way?

Is there anything even wrong?

Am I really invisible?
Or is it that I just want to be?

Do you know the answer?
♠ ♠ ♠
Feedback is always appreciated.