I Can't Pretend

Out of the millions of guys on Earth
somehow I fell for you.
You're the charming type;
Words are your weapon, and my heart the game.
It's like playing Russian Roulette,
and losing every time.

You may be the player,
but I'm the game-keeper.
There's only one way to win,
boy, you blew your only chance.
Cheats and lies is automatic disqualification.

You may be able to look me in the eye
and throw me some very persuasive lie,
but once my heart is broken, so is my trust.
Getting that back can cause a world of hurt.

My best-friends can't even guess the pain,
so when we hang out I only cry in the rain;
fixing a broken wall takes hard work and time.

Maybe one day we can be friends;
joke around bout the past, but right now?

I can't pretend.
