i dream

confident that she is the only one,

awakes each day as beautiful as the morning sun. .

devoured with goodness her love pours out,

changing thoughts of mine without a doubt. .

i dream for things i always see,

not of this world, or even of me. .

far beyond the stars so high,

deep in the heavens is where all my dreams lie. .

is it love and kindness that can hold true,

is it friendship and laughter that completes you. .

is it sentual or sexual perverted mind thoughts,

is it memorys bound up in a wet cardboard box,

leaking out oh so slow, only for me to one day unfold. .

somewhere beneath the mindset of strain,

i see a lovely women picking flowers in the pouring rain. .

for if all my dreams were to come true,

i would no longer sit here and dream of you. .