She's Fading Away

She’s fading away,
I can see it through her fake smile.
She’s fading away,
Like old paint on the wall.
When no one’s around,
She cries at night.
She’s fading away.

It all started when,
She found out that she was dying.
Only one year to live,
She’s fading away.
A brain tumor,
Is her fatal disease,
She is trying to be strong,
She’s fading away.

She feels it,
Her smile becoming weaker
Her weight dropping below 100,
She’s fading away.
Her complexion as a ghost.
Eyes unknowing, unreadable.
As if she is permanently staring into space.
She’s fading away.

11 months have passed now
She is on her death bed,
Breathing erratically like a runner out of breath.
Her sight turns black as if night had fallen
She smiles,
Her breathing stops
She has faded away.