
every inch of me want to get the razor an tare my skin
just let myself bleed out, maybe no one will care
nevermind they won't fucking care, why should they
because they "love me"? fuck that just a goddamn cover up
so many times i show myself an do one fucking smll thing
and they flip shit, they just push me to the brink
an they wonder why i have anger problems
i have all these friends but none of them i can tell how i feel
they would never understand, i dont know if anyone can understand
parents just get pissed, dont know how to communicate
so they just fucking yell at me, saying to tell them how i feel
you wannu know how i feel, i feel like i wannu tare my heart out an stomp on it
it already feels like someone did, so why not just do it
rather die then feel like i dont mean anything anymore, you say i mean something to you
buti know its all just a bunch of bullshit, sitting here shaking
you try to comfert me but i don't want your fucking help
i want someones help that i can talk to an them understand what im saying
not someone that makes me explain myself, if you dont understand i shouldn't fucking talk to you for 6 goddamn
hours trying to tell you something you'll never understand
an you wonder why i hung out with jason, he knows how i feel and how
to cheer me up, he does care about me, hes my BESTFRIEND
he understands me, hes like my brother, always looking out for me
i love that kid, i wish i had more friends that cared about me as much as he does, and understands me
and understands why i cut myself, you just get pissed and yell at me
and send me to a fucking councler, you think im happy in this fucking house not really
thats y i have friends over so it can feel like a home
someone i can talk to every day, ariel (my sister) was here but she moved now
i tried to talk to her but i didnt want her to worry about me
she had better things to worry about
you say you want me to be true to myself? when i try you get pissed
so fuck you and your love i dont care about it
sure ill stay here with you pathetic self but im not going to like it
probley going to play it off like i do but FUCK YOU