
If you're so happy
If you're ok
Why won't you look at me
Why d'you glance away

If you're feeling great
If it's really true
Then why does it seem fake
You smile but your eyes don't move

Why are you pretending child
Who are you trying to fool
Are you afraid of sadness
Or is sadness afraid of you

Again you'll be sleeping alone tonight
Again he will be off with her
Again you'll be sad when you turn out the light
Wishing things are what they were

And yet, child, you don't ask for much
You just don't want to be on your own
The softest sigh, a tender touch
To drown out the sound of alone

You're stuck with the person that you hate the most
As you curl up in bed in a ball
You're stuck with your enemy, you're not even close
You're stuck with the worst friend of all

But while you're so happy, smiling away
I can see the sadness in your eyes
You're playing the part in an unbiblical play
You're tainting your heart with your lies

So don't be afraid, child, to be what you feel,
If you're sad, it does not mean you're wrong
When the paint peels away, it's time that will heal
And you'll realise you were fine all along
♠ ♠ ♠
didn't wanna save it to my computer due to it's mediocracy. just testing something out. dont read it's shit i just need to store it somewhere legal