Lion and the Lamb

Lion and Lamb
By Allie

A Lion peers out at the Prey that is all alone in the middle of the jungle; it’s Stomach Growling Lowly with Hunger,
As The lion is About to Pounce in on the defenseless Prey
He Smells a Scent like no other; he turns to find a bloody lamb surrounded by Human hunters, The Lion Suddenly Became Enraged,
“This Beautiful creature was Never Suppose to be harmed by these Villains!” The Lion thought.
He then Leaps forward and Lands in Front of the Lamb, Startling the hunters, the Lion Snarls and lets out A Growl that would scare even the Bravest of Lions, The Hunters then, not knowing how to handle a Lion, Run Away.
The Lion then turns toward the Lamb, Whom was bloody and shaking, the Lion’s eyes Soften at the Site and Leans in toward the Hurt Lamb. The Lamb was awaiting what this beautiful Lion Was Going to do to her.
Then, the Lion nuzzles the Lamb softly, to let her know she would not be harmed, and starts To Purr lowly to soothe the Lamb. The Lamb Instantly relaxed and Rubbed back, for she Knew He Would never Harm Her
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Just going through my little writing Journal c:
let me know what you think