She wacks m3 across the face with h3r pointy tail.
At every f3eling of lewd that she g3ts
From me, "The Little Pervert."
Her wicked claws slashes across my chest,
And we watch me bleed.

I'm wonted to the dark life,
But I grasp 3very bit of light.
I clutch it in my fist airtight.
And prepare f0r her visit each night.

She breathes her hot breath into my mouth,
And burn my inner flesh.
She s3ts my heart aflame.
My sanquine fluid runs so hot that it is black.
But she licks it up with h3r spikey tongue.

I hav3 the habit of cutting acr0ss my arm.
And scr3aming at h3r.
She pierce my flesh and st0ps my breathing.
Just to l3t me know who's boss.
She gets 0n top and screeches in my ear
Until I am out co1d.
And I wake up these noons, pantsless.

She's a monster.
Who's eyes turn golden red in ang3r.
And who's glare is as sharp as razor blades.
But I am brave, I look right at h3r.
Until she spits fire at me.
I never believe in Winters anymore.