My Brother...

My Brother....

Life without you would be like life without music. Dull and disapointing. Your the one I trust to know the song of my heart and sing it back to me in the sweetest voice when I have forgotten it along with the reason of why I push myself forward. Around you, my smile is unpainted. The mirror to apply my happiness is no longer needed and the pain is forgotten. Your the double rainbow on a rainy day and your the roots to my stem supplying the water that keeps me alive. When your name appears in my thought, as do the memories of the luaghs and the smiles that we have shared together. The feeling for you always came naturally and I have never pretended when I was around you. I've always just been me and been the shoulder to lean on when your self esteem is weak. What I never felt for you was never a lie. But I couldnt wait for you forever. I needed to move on with my life just like you are moving on with yours. Now as Im told your hurt by my happiness I find that this love is bittersweet. Like a wilted cherry blossom in the spring drifting along the oceans surface off into the distant sunset that fades ever to quickly. I need you in my life and I fear that if you dont admitt to yourself that you need me, your never going to admitt that your stuck at an impass. If stuck to long Im afraid that you may never be freed from your blockade. I have tried to free you with the key in hand, but I feel as though you are holding your hand over the lock, afraid to step out from behind the bars and to the otherside of your cage. I want to help you as much as you want the aswers. I however cannot do so unless you give into me and the fact that you cant do all of this on your own. Let me hold you in my warm embrace and steal away your pain, let me take the hurt. I will forever love you and expect nothing in return except for you to live a happy life full of love with no rgret. I love you for now. I love you for always. I love you for your flaws and for you being you. Please brother, lower the bottle and stray from those who harm your. Come to me and let me mend your broken heart. Please brother let me love you like you deserve to be loved. Please brother let me rid you of those who pretend to be your friends and those who lie and live to decieve you to obtain what they believe to be happiness. Please brother let me give to you everything that you deserve. You are my brother and you always will be. No matter what our reationship be are my brother...your are my friend....your are my family...your ARE the one I will forever love....
♠ ♠ ♠
This is about a dear friend of mine that I like to consider a brother. He is a vital part of my life and Id gladly take a bullet for him any day. He has recently begun to lose his true self on the path to trying to be someone he's not. He's been looking up to someone who really doesnt deserve to be looked up to. In this I was expressing my thoughts/feelings on the subject matter. I picked up the computer and just started typing. So its what you see is what you get for this one.