Truly am happy for you

Some times all you can do is be a friend.
To give advice, to help them out, to be there until the end.
Because when everything is said and done,
And they choose someone else over you to love..
Your heart will still beat, still love, still bleed for them,
And it won't let you leave them out on the street alone.
It'll force you to encourage them to go after that other girl you envy,
To make them wait for the girl they love,
To make you say thigs you find saddening,
Because somehow their happiness is enough.
It'll make you smile when you see them smile,
It'll make you cry when they do,
It'll make you so immensely happy, though all the while..
The one they're after and love is not you.
You're heart will make you say things you do not logically mean,
It'll rip itself apart to make them laugh,
It'll wait for another to sew back it's seams.
Because the one you want is the one you can't have.
And though you may cry at night becuase the arms holding you are not their's,
You'll cry happy tears for you know that they are too.
So as I consider this all tonight,
I guess I truly am happy for you.