I'm Gone

The beauty of the Earth caresses me
Like a mother hold her only child
The vocal birds sing songs only
Known by each other and a careful
Human ear, leant by myself

The glorious sounds of the woods
Are more beautiful then any model
Only matched by the physical beauty
of Mother Earth herself
She sends the sound of Brook

Normally babbling obnoxiously
Brook was soothing and comforting
This glorious morning, as I walk
Along with Brook she grew into River
She was louder, rushing with noise

Still River comforts and soothes my soul
I stick my feet in and the cold send a
Freezing sensation travels from my
feet up my spine to the top of my head
I relax as the freezing feels magestic

Everything in the world is right today
For once in my life it everything feels right
In place and glorious, its strange yet
I feel comfort, its a great way to end a life
I submerge my whole body into cold River

I feel mself start to get dizzy, near loss
of conciousness, I feel the little bit of life
I had left in myself drain out, the clear
water turns dark as I slip out of this life
I feel myself going then suddenly I'm...gone