Aqua Vox

Words are like water,
Flowing placid down a stream,
Singing songs of joy and summer days,
And melodies of melancholy, sunken ships and all,
Crashing waves and roaring floods,
Like a bard's thundering voice, a tsunami, captivating,
And his whispers, the peace flooding into the listeners ears,
As a dribble from a source gently drizzling down a mountain,
Words are an ocean ready to be conquered,
Eternity to search, a dictionary is the fountain of youth,
Flowing, a rush of words, a choke as they bubble out,
A once humble schoolboy now the greatest of writers,
We all start small, but eventually,
We will reach the ocean.

Permissum aequora currit libere.
♠ ♠ ♠
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