Open your eyes

When you open your eyes to dream,
And close your eyes to see reality,
You find in yourself what others say you hold but do not believe.
A simple, beautiful smile that is rare for you to show is shown,
And in your eyes there is a hope and heart that you've never known.
Look into the mirror and take the time to see what I see:
Deep eyes that shine and smile despite how much you think you bleed.
Long, winking eyelashes that dance around your eyes,
And a set of lips that search for words they cannot find.
This is what I see you as, a gorgeous young man with a spirit and soul and heart to give.
I only hope you make the right decisions and not make any mistakes.
I hope that your smile is eternal and the world will develop a love for you that is impossible to hate.
Because you are kind and your happiness makes me happy.
And... I don't quite know how to say this without seeming sappy...
But you are truly amazing and I love you with all of my heart...
And if there is anything i couldn't live through,
It would be me losing you and being ripped apart.