My Star

What are you?
You are not real.
Some kind of ethereal creature, pure and iridescent.
You would kiss the hand that loosed the arrow in your heart.
You would pay the man who stole your house.
Kiss the enemy that would slay you and carve your heart out.

I would destroy the enemy.
I would end the lives of all those that would mean you harm.
Yet there is a foe I am unable to protect you from.
Something within the spirit that I am unable to tear at.
I am unable to claw out it's throat.
I cannot bleed it dry,
And I will lose you now.

What am I to feel?
How am I to react?
I feel cheated, empty, and I feel as though I am falling through darkness after a light ever dimming.
What shall become of my world when my star falls?
What shall I do without my companion?
I will breathe no more.
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I'm falling apart here...hahahaha