Insomnia Part 1

When I write it always seems,
As if the words from my pen bleed.
My blood ebbs out voicing fury and rage,
Against the issues of this day and age.

Sleep in the day, dream in the night,
Of one day living a better life.

People like me are outcast at sea,
Thrown to the surf by those who can't see,
Why we choose to fight,
The swift currents might.

But I will not give in to the temptation.
To go with the flow the circle of life moves in.

Because I believe when fantasy leaves,
Greatness will be all that's left to achieve.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was inspired by the fact that not only do I really have insomnia, but I always feel like I dont want to watch tv or rest. I'm never more happy than when I'm doing something productive. I want to live in a world where every person spends their life trying to be the best person they can.