On the Wings of a Butterfly

The days of life make you weary,
Your troubles and fears make you teary.
But do not cry,
Send it on the wings of a butterfly.

Up to the sky it will soar,
Your worries and fears no more.
On your shoulders they no longer lie,
Send it on the wings of a butterfly.

The Lord knows when you're down,
When your smile turns to a frown.
It will pass away by and by,
Send it on the wings of a butterfly.

So don't give up just yet,
On the Lord your cares you must set.
Just give it a try,
Send it on the wings of a butterfly.

You are not alone in your plight,
Just open your wings and take flight.
Climb up through the azure sky,
With your wings like a butterfly.
♠ ♠ ♠
I need opinions!! I wrote this for an amazing lady that I know. She had breast cancer and she fought through it! But now the doctors think it might have returned and this time, in her upper back :'( she needs support. She LOVES butterflies and I just thought she could use some encouragement.