The way that I feel

The way that I feel
When you don't hear me sing
My prayers so loud but you don't hear a thing
I'm mistaken on levels that I don't understand
But this situations so rough and it's a pain I can't stand
This life you created this life that you love
This life that your killing with dark leather gloves
Your strangling her slowly with adversity and pain
With all these dilemmas she's to scared to be sane
I can't stand to see this and I find it unfair
That this person you created is one you can't repair
I hear her voice so full of fear and despair
Please tell me why you make this so hard to bare
I don't know what to do or how else I can help
Sitting here typing I feel like a damn welp
I hope if your out there you read this and see
My only request is that you let her live and be free
I'm a man of little faith but you have me on my knees
Let her live a long have kids and I end this with a please