
a place where words and definitions fail,
ceasing to truly cover,
all of creation,
a massive tangled mess of madness
strolling down the streets of eternity like a freight train,
a fever dream full of unkept terror,
all sitting out of place and plummeting fast down the cliff face and never waking up.
screams of children,
roaring in desperation to just sing the melody lost so long ago,
rampaging every faucet imaginable
to find a living water where they'll never thirst again,
a love who will never leave,
a child lost in such a dark forest of speakable terrors,
nightmares piercing the sky,
engulfing every shred of innocence with bitter darkness,
monsters ready to feast upon broken little bodies,
teeth dripping with a dreadful longing to tear the breath from his lungs,
a little boy running fast and hard,
feet treading putrid ground,
longing for hope,
for someone,
for that place.
striving and pressing day to day to just find it,
trying ever so hard to be just good enough,
but is so warped by the shadows that the Light becomes a fear,
so as he may be running,
he only runs from You,
a pursuer who truly loves,
a love that never fails,
only needing to turn and collide with You,
a place where words and definitions fail,
ceasing to truly cover,