Deep Thinkers and Coffee Drinkers

Face first into the abstract,
wandering the back halls of idealistic
fist pumping a cause without even making a dent in the big force field known as the real world,
sipping back a cup of Joe and feasting on the tasty words of Nietzsche and Ghandi,
Meditating because it must be something a deep thinker does,
"And I am in fact a rather in depth analyzer of all subjects."
slowly speaking with a monotoned
contorting the demeanor in order to,
in fullness,
completely compensate for the lack of vocab necessary to convey a stolen view on something too complex to actually convey.....mainly because the entry on wikipedia was too long,
mediocre poets tooting horns they bought,
prancing to the off rhythm of jazz,
wearing beanies,
engraving the title beatnik....or some other variation there of,
of some other social group of the stereotypical superficial teenager,
they engrave it on everything,
also who can't find a job because it would require them to shave and not wear the twenty-two piercings that have made their permanent residence their face.
vegans (closet bacon eaters)
joining their beautifully intricate political cause that will get the entire universe to never eat steak again,
or hurt flowers...who die because they are far too high to water them.
oh the advocates of the magical hemp,
oh how it could save our world,
and this medical marijuana as well.
but speaking of the medical,
all the thousands of gender confused adolescents trying to convince the whole world they were born gay...and that they too should become gay...because somehow gay is the it's somehow biologically logical without a real shred of proof.
a cheeky boy comes running from the corner,
what about salmon?
or do we just save the cute ones?
It's not their fault they were born ugly dang it!
"let's save mother earth, fight for our rights, get our message across that WE WILL NOT CONFORM....THOUGH WE DO WITH OUR SOCIAL GROUP...WHICH ISN'T THE SAME BTW.....BUT YEAH!!!" my question,
what about those who starve because their leader takes everything? what about the child sex slavery? what about the girl chopped up by a chomo or the boy beaten to death by his mother,
then cast in a dumpster?
what about AIDS in Africa and homelessness? what about the nightmarish horrors the rest of the world faces daily?? oh you turn your eyes. I believe in all reality, you aren't really fighting. I believe you long to have an identity, to be heard, to belong. I believe that you're just alone in your world. I believe that, because it was me.