Her Name

a grown man
writing love poems,
logical but seeming desperately
pathetic as my heart
bleeds poetic literature
smirked at by the masters
of the art;
upon these pages.
your name engraved
upon my heart,
an expression incomprehensible,
where words become nervous
stutters and speechlessness
as rivers,
the light of your adorable smile
bursts over the horizon,
turning my night to day,
reanimating the color of creation,
piercing my belly with...
releasing the nests of butterflies
that cause me to quiver in the presence
of perfection.
and your eyes,
you have no idea what
your eyes do to this soul,
lighting a fire and melting
me all over the place
like the wax of a sugar
making my mouth water at the taste
of something so sweet,
my lips becoming one with
piercing every inch of my being
with passion unbearable,
pressing to a place of
yes my love,
I'm quite crazy about