I don't want to go to Prom

I don’t want to go to prom.
I like getting dressed up,
I like the cakey makeup,
The fake nails,
The fancy hair.
That’s not what bothers me…

I don’t want to go to graduation.
I want to finish high school,
Its just that day.
I don’t mind the crying.
That’s not what bothers me.

I don’t want to go to church.
I love the people, they’re so kind,
I love the scent,
Like happy puppies.
That’s not what bothers me.

Because if I go,
I’ll look up with this face,
And a tear will slide
One that no one will see,
And I will talk to my mother,
And remember how much I loved her.

Yes it looks happy,
Yes it looks curious.
But it’s the epitome of pain.