Phantom the Black Stallion

My grandfather told me a story of a black horse
A black horse with bright brown eyes
He told me that he had name and it was Phantom
I always enjoyed this story of the mystery black horse
But I always wondered if it was true
I got my proof three weeks after my grandfather passed away
I was walking on my farm when I heard a neigh
I looked over to see this wonderful black stallion
He was standing there quietly and just stared at me
I was confused at first but then I got an idea
I smiled and thought of that story my grandfather had told me
So I called out Phantom and you’ll never believe it
He pricked up his ears and trotted over towards me
I stroked his handsome neck and spoke softly to him
After a while I smiled
I felt like he trusted me and I trusted him
So I hopped onto his sleek back
He didn’t bite or jump
He didn’t run or flee
He just stood there
I grabbed onto his soft mane and told him to giddy up
He whinnied with joy as he started to gallop
I smiled and laughed as the wind raced through my hair
And after that night I’ve always come out and see him there
I would ride him and then he would leave
We did the same every night until I had to move

But now I’m an adult and a mother
My ten year old daughter loved this story just like I did
So one night I saw her walk into our backyard
I watched in shock as Phantom walked up to her and she stroked him
I walked to my window and smiled
He looked up at me and whinnied a greeting
Then the most strangest thing happened
He wasn’t a horse he was my grandfather
My daughter couldn’t see it but I could
He smiled and waved a hello
Before he turned back into a horse and galloped off
Leaving my daughter happy and excited

The next morning she came down smiling
Mom guess what I saw last night
She cheered
I asked what already smiling
I saw Phantom oh I wish I could keep him
He’s a special horse I can just feel it
She beamed
I smiled and chuckled
He’s special indeed
♠ ♠ ♠
This is for my creative writing class please tell me if you think its good. :)