Arrogance of the living man


When I called the living man until my voice chocked,
The voice of the hidden one called and said to me;
“Son of man, do not give up on the living man;
Shout and call them until they awake from slumber;
Shout and call until they can sleep no more;
Shout until they wake up and listen to you;
Tell them all my words concerning their arrogance;
Tell them that their arrogance is right before me;
Tell that it has entered right into my cup.

It has entered right into my cup,
And made my meal strange;
I am not going to eat it again,
For it is poisoned and spoilt.

I am not going to taste it again,
Or remember its flavor;
I am also going to vomit my bowels out;
And die of hunger for the living man.

Shout, son of man, shout
And ask the living man,
Thus asks the voice of the hidden one;
If I die of hunger for the living man,
Who shall save you from impending obliteration?
Who shall save you from imminent peril and ruin?
Who shall hear your calls for redemption
And rush your salvation in a gift-wrapper?

Hear, O the living man;
Hear the voice of the hidden one;
Hear, O the living man;
Hear the sound of wisdom,
And you shall be wise;
Hear the sound of knowledge,
And you shall be knowledgeable;
Hear the sound of mercy,
And you shall be merciful;
Hear the sound of justice,
And you shall be just;
Hear the sound of honesty,
And you shall be honest,
Hear the sound of peace,
And you shall be peaceful;
Hear the sound of humility,
And you shall be humble;
Hear the sound of will,
And you shall be willing;
Hear the sound of love,
And you shall be loving;
Hear the sound of joy,
And you shall be joyful.

If you obey my sound and pursue my path;
If you enter my garden and gather my fruit;
If you enter your fields and sow my seeds;
If you enter my door and sit at my table;
If you eat my food and drink my water;
I shall come out of my hiding;
I shall show my face,
And humble my voice.

I shall be your master,
And you shall be my servants;
You shall whisper a word,
And I shall amplify it;
You shall plan a hunt,
And I shall trap the game;
You shall leave for a journey,
And I shall bring the destiny;
You shall build a home,
And I shall fence it;
You shall plant tubers,
And I shall fruit them;
You shall get tired,
And I shall renew your strength;
You shall lie down,
And I shall raise you up;
You shall sleep,
And I shall wake you up;
You shall fear,
And I shall cheer you up.

Your presence shall smell sweet aroma;
Your feet shall echo sweet melodies;
Your ears shall bring you good news;
Your tongues shall speak blessings;
You shall leave your doors open,
And no intruder shall enter your rooms;
You shall leave your cattle to graze,
And no beasts attack them;
You shall leave your treasures out,
And no thief shall steal them;
Your daughters shall call doves,
And they shall come;
Your sons shall chase tigers,
And they shall run away;
Your wells shall spring forth milk;
Your clouds shall pour down honey.

Heavens are far above
But you shall reach there by shouting,
And the heavens come down!
Nations are far apart
But you shall meet them by shouting,
And the nations come together!

You shall speak from your heart
But your spirit shall shout it out;
You shall sense from your brain
But your spirit shall share it out;
When you scan something out,
Your eyes shall see it clearly;
When you set attention to listen
Your ears shall hear it clearly;
You shall possess without touching
But not touch without possessing;
You shall lend out to borrowers
But not borrow from lenders;
And if you have seen the grass
In your home compounds;
They are evergreen;
Or if you have seen the calves
In your yard-kraals;
They are ever active.

Your bows shall break rocks,
And your spears, split logs
But never get blunt or dead;
You shall scribe a book of history
Without holding a pen of ink;
If your ground breaks open,
Your seed shall drop in it,
And germinate into a hundred yields.

If your body skin peels off,
A new tender one shall appear,
And spray you with smoothness;
You shall live long,
And never grow old;
For I have purposed to heal you,
And make you well;
I have said it, myself,
And I shall do it.”
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Derived from my book "VOICE OF THE HIDDEN ONE".