Testing my Luck

I sat there silently
As the thunder roared throughout the sky
While the wind howled against my windows
As the lighting crackled against the darkening clouds
As the ocean tossed and turned
As the the birds cried out
As my dog and cat barked and meowed for me to run
I didn't get scared when the tornado appeared
I wanted to test my luck
I wanted to sit there silently
As the storm raged on
And not to make a move
I sat there and waited
Waited for that tornado to hit
But it never came

After the storm had passed I smiled
I passed the test and tested my luck
I'm not always lucky like this
But today i had a feeling
A feeling that i would live
Through any storm that came my way
So now i did and i smiled
For i have just tested my luck
And won
♠ ♠ ♠
this is just some random poem, I gave my teacher my eagle poem :)