First Day of Spring

I watched as the water slid down the lime green leaves
As the bright pink lilies danced in the whispering winds
As the bees took the flower's nectar
Those little thieves
I watched as the bright green grass waved at me
I watched as butterflies fluttered in the peaceful air
The first day of Spring is something to enjoy
Its something to in hale and to keep
Inside your mind

The first day of Spring doesn't last forever and certainly for for a whole year
Just once a year you get that first day of true Spring
For me its like falling into soft clouds and dreaming
Its a beautiful sight to see
So try it some time
To watch nature take its course

Try to watch Spring bloom into a season
Watch as it takes away the crystal white snow
As it sweeps away the dead leaves
As it welcomes baby animals into this world
As blue jays sing from above

Watch in awe as flowers say their hello
As you walk by
Watch as golden sun flowers smile up at you
As robins and morning doves fly your way
Their all welcoming Spring
They are all celebrating the wonderful new season

Everyone enjoys spring except the ones who are allergic to pollen
My little sister is but she's an odd one
Because she will go ahead and play with wet pollen on the ground
After a rain storm
She's a summer and spring girl
So am I

So go on ahead and enjoy this wonderful first day of Spring
For it doesn't last for ever
And certainly doesn't last a whole year
♠ ♠ ♠
:) randomness again!