The Fall*

I get wrapped up in the little things until they strangle me.
I know I shouldn't.
I know it's not healthy.
But in a weird... way.
I like the feeling.

I like the feeling I get with it.
Not the hurt.
But the tug.
And then the pull.
Followed by the falling.

(That's the best part you know.)

I wish I could stay falling.

But- eventually, I land.

What I wish I could change-
Is when people say-
"You cannot feel this way."
"You are only a kid- you can't possibly know."

But I think- that they have forgotten.
That falling feeling.
The whoosh as you fall.
And the adrenaline you get.

I really tell you,
It's the greatest feeling...
Especailly when someone's falling with you.
And then the fall seems endless.
♠ ♠ ♠
All poems with * mean that I have written it a long time ago.