
I just don't even know how to start
You think you can just walk away after stealing my heart?
After playin' your games over and over
I think it's about fucking time I find some kind of closure.
Do you even know what the hell you do to me?
You have to have a fucking clue by now- honestly
Every time I look at you it's another knife in my chest
And when I look away I am reminded of what you say it takes the best
Of me, of my hopes and my dreams of happiness
Do you know what you do to me- try and guess?
I think there could be something if you'd just look and see
But no, wait- you've told me your choice I should let it be.
Just forget everything I think, just let it be and watch you go
Choke all the tears back that you won't cry for me
Go on and find someone else- so many fish in the sea...
Over and over in my head don't you fucking get it?
I can't make a choice, I wouldn't choose you if I could.
I mean come-on really... I already know how this shit ends.
How could I be so fuckin' stupid to think we'd just stay friends?
I mean that's only how you see me- and it won't change
I guarantee it no matter how many ways I say what I think about you
You won't give a damn, or you won't let yourself- and yes I understand it too
But you know- you just keep fucking pulling on my heartstrings
Keeping me wondering if maybe this time you mean something out of the little nothings.
♠ ♠ ♠
All works with * mean I wrote them earlier.