From my Heart

For where there was a lovely face, sketched upon my heart, there now is a gaping hole that tears my life apart.
And where my lips used to whisper soft and gentle words, there now are only saddening thoughts that overwhelm my world.
What used to make me smile, the simple things I took for granted, now seems to be impossible to obtain.
Ever since I let him go, my life has not been the same.
What used to be a fun, cute figure I did hold, has now become part of sometihng lost and old.
Shows that used to make me laugh, now seem to make me cry; for everytihng I used to love kills a little part of me inside.
The blankets that were used for warmth and security, I now wrap around myself.
Never did I imagine that I would be left so alone to be considered beyond help.
Thinking of the times shared, in the kitchen making breakfast, or outside with the stars..
Only seem to make open wounds of the newly healed scars.
And to know that there was once a time that I had what no other did, sends through my heart a message that my love has met it's end.
Maybe it would be easier if I never let myself love what I did hold.
If I hated him from the moment I held him to the moment he was gone....
Maybe I wouldn't tear myself apart looking for what I loved, I would simply let go and move on..
Rather than writing this and let you read something that came from my entire heart.
But I have loved him more than any one could imagine; but it was damned from the start.

R.I.P. V.A.S.