I miss you

You smiled softly at me and handed me my bottle back. Our hands touched slightly. I ignored the spark. Thanking you, I gave a small smile and turned back to my friends. I glanced at you from the corner of my eye. You were still looking at me. Maybe you noticed I knew you were looking because you walked away. I watched you walk away, your head drooped slightly. I wanted to run to you and hug you tightly and beg you to take me back. It's funny that just 1 1/2 months ago you were still mine. But you were to good for me. I knew it and so did you.
But it hurts still because I miss you.
But that's not why I write this. I write this because this will be the day I erase you. I'll delete your number from my phone. Your pictures will be erased and the only time I'll say your name is when I'm talking to you, never to talk about you. It's time to get over you. Time to move on.
But it'll hurt because I still miss you.